Unlocking Access to the Future
​We work with our partners to shape a more sustainable future by combining our expertise in UV-C LED technology and science, providing easy access to sustainability and efficiency solutions.
A Balanced Ecosystem
We deliver fully automated tools with greater efficiency in performance and more energy saving in operability that is estimated at around 90% when compared with other sanitization options, which makes our solutions the go-to option when it comes to large-scale sustainability.
Global Sustainability
The components constituting our solutions produce minimal carbon footprint in manufacturing based on innovative engineering methods that make our solutions easily integrated into different systems while maintaining reduced waste and no necessity for special treatment in recycling.
Effectiveness & Innovation
Safety, effectiveness, and innovation are key to advancing our aspiration as we constantly update, upgrade, and continuously develop our solutions to meet the global standards of quality testing, making our sustainable devices even more effective than non-environmentally friendly alternatives .
Less Energy Consumption versus Other Sustainable Solutions
Automation Leading to Reduced Human Labor for Sanitization Operations
Recyclable Components Constituting our
Sustainable Solutions
Chemical Waste with No Special Considerations Needed for Application
Less CO2 Emissions in Production versus Other Alternatives
Safety Thanks to the Innovative Anchored Light System Methodology
Anchored Lighting System
Leading the future of Sustainable Hygiene
Our Anchored Lighting System (ALS) forms the foundation of our scientific approach. It is designed to concentrate light energy on high-risk areas, such as surfaces frequently touched by hundreds of individuals each day, with the goal of inactivating harmful microorganisms and pathogens. This makes it more effective than dispersed energy techniques, such as "deep cleaning" methods or mercury vapor sources.
Would you like to learn more about the technology behind our UV-C LED solutions?
Break the Cycle
Our planet is not the same anymore
In the past 40 years, paper towel consumption has increased by 400%. This leads to the generation of 695,000 tons of paper towel waste each day, mostly used for cleaning surfaces with chemical disinfectants. This is equivalent to cutting down 51,000 trees per day (North America alone) just for paper towels! Chemical disinfectants also pose a risk due to their high toxicity and indiscriminate killing of viruses and other organisms. Our solutions break this cycle by providing a fully automated, non-toxic, and chemical-free alternative, utilizing cutting-edge UV-C LED technology that has been tested in a many top global laboratories
Manual Sanitization
Efficacy Depends on Labor
High consumables Cost
Elevated Overall Cost
Heavy Damage to Electronics
Corrosion & Damage to touch screens and payment devices
Fully Automated Process
No Human Interaction Required
Zero Maintenance
Economic Solution
Highest Effectiveness
Our solutions are highly effective against all types of pathogens and deliver maximum results through efficient conversion of energy.
Manual process
Requires areas to be evacuated
High Maintenance Cost
Less Economic
Moderate Effectiveness
wasted energy on cleaning all areas, even infrequently touched surfaces
High Damage to Surface
Toxic Materials Cause Corrosion
Robust long life span
All of our devices are designed to have an end of life of 8 years and are built to adapt to advancements in electronics technology over time in the retail industry.
High Risk
May only be used outside trading hours with trained staff
High Frequency
Able to effectively sanitise a high risk touch point after each interaction, even up to 1000 cycles per day
High Waste Generation
Moderate Damage to Surface
Creates Long-Term Complications
Aerosol & Harmful Gases
High Damage to the Environment
More Toxic = Quicker